Poultry Nutrition with Gain PRO

Make your feed more valuable

Enhance your feed performance with Gain PRO, our functional feed ingredient derived from super fresh residual shrimp raw material. It works well for all poultry. Combined with sustainable plant protein, it offers good protein value and is low on ash. All the shrimp used in Gain PRO are ASC certified
(Aquaculture Stewardship Council).

Gain PRO will give you these advantages:

Unmatched Freshness

Our functional proteins, sourced from fresh ingredients, provide maximum nutritional benefits. This approach create superior feed products.

Enhanced Health

Functional proteins boost the immune system and overall health of your stock, making them more resistant to diseases and stress.

Enhanced Growth

The right poultry nutrition contribute to accelerated growth rates, improving the yield and profitability.

Enhanced Taste

Super fresh shrimp leads to better-tasting produce.


Shrimp’s natural pigments enhance the colour, with a particular impact on egg yolk vibrancy.

Predictable Quality

A more sustainable production guarantees a reliable supply chain with stable prices, high quality, and a long shelf life.

Sustainable Sourcing

Fresh residual shrimp raw material contributes to a more sustainable industry.


Rigorously tested for parasites, bacteria, and viruses to ensure a safe and disease-free stock.

ProChaete poultry products | Gain PRO | Functional feed ingredient

Poultry Nutrition | How to use Gain PRO?

Functional proteins creates value

A quick glance at the price list will tell you that there are cheaper protein alternatives out there. But once you start factoring in the quality of the protein and the benefits your production will receive by using Gain PRO, the equation changes. What might at first glance look expensive, is in fact, a very smart investment. By using Gain PRO, your feed will receive a multitude of benefits, allowing you to produce a premium feed at a higher price point.

Alternatively, using Gain PRO’s many functional attributes will allow you to replace many costly ingredients with a cheaper alternative. So, your feed will have the same quality, but you can produce it at a lower price point.

Whichever direction you feel is the right one for your feed – Gain PRO can help you make a better feed. And you will also get the benefit of using a more sustainable ingredient in your feed, helping our business meet the demands of the future.

Use sustainable proteins

Produce premium feed

Utilise functional proteins

Product Composition & Usage

Our current shrimp processing capacity allows us to produce thousands of tonnes of Gain PRO. This product boasts a shelf life two years, enabling efficient logistics, storage, and usage.

Add 2.5 – 5% of Gain PRO to the formula to maximise the functional properties.

The product is presented as a free-flowing powder with a particle size of < 1500 microns. It offers a unique aroma and taste while maintaining high digestibility.

If you’re interested in testing our innovative functional protein in your feed, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We look forward to assisting you in improving your feed.