
The polychaete advantage

Fishmeal has long stood as the benchmark protein in the aquaculture industry. However, with aquaculture demand rising by approximately 6-8% annually, the supply of fishmeal remains stagnant and most likely declining. This heavy reliance on fishmeal poses a significant financial risk in a fluctuating market. At Prochaete, we provide a solution by replacing fishmeal with functional proteins derived from Polychaetes.

Farmed polychaetes by ProChaete | functional protein | policies

Our aim is to craft an exceptionally effective feed ingredient, enabling the industry to produce superior feed.

OddGeir Oddsen, managing director of ProChaete

Commercially farmed polychaetes offer an effective and sustainable means of producing functional, edible protein. Polychaete worms are rich in long-chain fatty acids, prostaglandins, and bromophenols, enhancing the seafood flavor of the resultant products. Polychaetes comprise versatile and nutritious proteins, forming a robust foundation for high-quality feed.

Our tests reveal that our products, FMR PRO and CEP PRO, not only serve as complete fishmeal replacements but also yield additional benefits. Through continuous testing, we’ve achieved a substantial reduction in the feed conversion ratio and a significant increase in growth rates.

Replacement of performance of post-juvenile rainbow trout.

Diets using FMR PRO with plant protein concentrate improved growth performance, with better food utilisation.

There was limited difference of blood parameters and apparent digestability co-efficents for each of the experimental diets, compared to control fishmeal diet.

The trial has successfully demonstrated that Fmr PRO, along with plant protein concentrate, can completely replace fishmeal in rainbow trout diet.

Growth response of rainbow trout fed FMR and supplementary levels of polycheate.

All non-fishmeal feeds performed exceptionally well and out­performed the control feed with fishmeal.

Fishmeal based feed with standard SPC was inferior in terms of growth performance and protein efficiency.

This trial has successfully demonstrated that that all dietary fishmeal can be replaced without any detrimental effects on growth performance in rainbow trout.

Growth rate of rainbow trout

12 weeks


The polychaete advantage - Cep PRO and FMR PRO

FMR + Polychaete 0,5-10%



Spesific Growht Rate with use of 2% Polychaete


Protein Efficiency with use of 2% Polychaete


Final Weight increased with use of 2% Polychaete

Protein extraction

Protein extraction for the level of protein and amino acid profile.

ProChaete - Analysis of bromophenols

Analysis of bromophenols, a natural taste enhancer.

If you’re interested in testing our innovative functional protein in your feed, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We look forward to assisting you in improving your feed.